Record of the first TERRIFFIC Trial
The video of the first Trial, which was held in Chambéry, France on the 9th – 11th April has now been released. Lasting just three and a half minutes, it tells the story of the Trial, which involved firefighters from SDIS73 in the Savoie region.
You can watch the video here.
The project would like to thank Lt. Col Denis Giordan for making the Trial possible and for his team’s efforts to enable us to test and evaluate the core components in TERRIFFIC.
These components included handheld detectors, an augmented reality app, a drone, robot, gamma camera and sensors. The Trial was held under very realistic conditions using genuine radiation sources in a secure environment.
The information gained and lessons learnt from the three days will now be used by the technical team to develop the individual components further and then bring them together in a powerful integrated TERRIFFIC solution.
The technical team is very grateful to everyone for their hard work and for helping us develop a better set of tools for specialist Radiological Nuclear explosive (RNe) first responders.